Love is nothing if there is no one to share it with.
It's hard to find someone whom you truly love, much less to find someone who loves you as much. When that chance comes, don't ever let go.
Love is to think about someone else more times in a day than you think about yourself.
Three simple words They take an instant to say But a lifetime to prove I love you
Do you love me because I am beautiful or am I beautiful because you love me?
Loving someone isn't when you picture yourself with them, it's realizing that you can't live without them.
Love is dangerous because you have to choose someone you know is going to be good to you and treat you with respect; if you choose the wrong person then it will break your heart. To be in true love means that you trust someone with everything.
To every problem of love, there is only one solution, just one solution, love itself.
Tears can be more special than smiles, because smiles can be given to anyone, but tears are only shed for the one we love.
Love is an illness and at the same time the best cure.
You don't have to love in words, even through the silences love is always heard.
Love comes in actions, not words.
Love is when some one breaks our heart in many pieces and the most amazing thing is that we still love them with all broken pieces of our heart.
True love is not about being with someone you trust. It's about bieng with someone who is capable of breaking your heart but trusting them not to.
Love is like a bird If you hold it tight it dies. if you hold it light it flys.
A relationship works best when both parties believe they got better than they deserve.
Love is the only word with a million definitions.
Love is a decision made by the mind and approved by the heart and I am glad both my mind and heart agreed on loving you.